Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles

718 Cayman GT4 vs 718 Cayman GT4 RS

718 GT4 vs 718 GT4 RS
Compare two mid-engine sport cars in the 718 Cayman GT4 vs 718 Cayman GT4 RS
Top Speed
414hp max horsepower
4.2s 0-60 mph
180mph Top track speed
Top Speed
493hp max horsepower
3.2s 0-60 mph
196mph Top track speed
$1450.00 1.5 Hours

718 GT4 vs 718 GT4 RS

  • Personalized Driving Coach

    You'll receive instruction from our Porsche Drive Coach for the entire experience.

  • In-depth Instruction

    Our world-class instructors will teach you the "why" of how the vehicle responds.

  • Maximum Time Behind the Wheel

    We believe the best way to learn is by doing. We'll get you behind the wheel quickly.

  • Headset Required

    Due to the sound level in the 718 GT4 RS, guests are required to wear a headset while experiencing our high-speed modules. This headset will be provided by PECLA.

  • Headset Required

    Due to the sound level in the 718 GT4 RS, guests are required to wear a headset while experiencing our high-speed modules. This headset will be provided by PECLA.

Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles

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